this is the story of the garden you won't find on the map. Yet, it's the oldest garden in venice!


Calling beginnners and seasoned travelers. Join me and see the private city behind the scenes!

Behind the red brick walls, courtyards, sprawling gardens, vertiginous rooftop terraces create a secret world never visible to passers-by in Venice.

The Venetian way of urban gardening is very refreshing

These inner spaces have always been decisive for surviving in the midst of a 5000 m² sized Lagoon, along the northern shores of the Adriatic Sea.

In Venice, we harvest anything. You name it.

Gardens simply everywhere, enabling Venetians to live self-sufficiently from the beginning, in addition to foraging and fishing in the Lagoon.

This story will be continued inside! Sapori di giardini salati. Discover the flavors of
the salt gardens in the Lagoon of Venice

Artemisia syrup. Lilac sugar. Sea lavender cake. Cornelian cherry-apple cornetto. Just some of the recipes that set Venetian cuisine apart for centuries, and it's using the products from the gardens in Venice and those foraged in the Lagoon.  
When grandmother opened her first restaurant in Venice, she received recipes and ingredients from an unexpected source: The nuns living on the grounds and lush hanging gardens of the former monastery San Zaccaria, the largest and oldest monastery in Venice! 

tell me more


Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub.


We support ecotourism in Venice by providing tips for responsible tourists in e-books and online classes. 30 per cent of our revenues go to local initiatives to make life better in Venice.

online classes

We're sharing the recipes and many stories in our three part online series: From the basics of Venetian heritage to Lagoon cuisine and the Masterclass about spices and perfumes.

the magazine

Our e-magazine LA VENESSIANA will appear three times a year from spring 2022. With lots of ideas for slow travelers who want to discover the culinary culture and food artisans of Venice.


We support ecotourism in Venice by providing tips for responsible tourists in e-books and online classes. 30 per cent of our revenues go to local initiatives to make life better in Venice.

online classes

We're sharing the recipes and many stories in our three part online series: From the basics of Venetian heritage to Lagoon cuisine and the Masterclass about spices and perfumes.

the magazine

Our e-magazine LA VENESSIANA will appear three times a year from spring 2022. With lots of ideas for slow travelers who want to discover the culinary culture and food artisans of Venice.

Our city behind the scenes:
A green magazine for you to explore the private Venice